
 — Knowledge base

We provide the only free knowledge base in the UK dedicated to Supported Exempt Accommodation

In the same topic…

  1. Knowledge base
  2. Specified Accommodation
  3. Cat 1 - Exempt Accommodation
  4. What are the advantages[…]

What are the advantages of exempt accommodation?

Basic info

The amount of Housing Benefit paid for exempt accommodation is normally higher than the amount paid for any other accommodation of comparable size outside the regulated social rented sector. The advantages of this are:

  • Vulnerable people who need support are able to find accommodation that meets their needs and enables them to live as independently as possible.
  • Organisations providing supported accommodation are able to cover the higher costs associated with the supported sector.
  • Private landlords who lease property to organisations providing supported accommodation are able to obtain a fair market rent for good quality accommodation that is genuinely worth more than the low-to-average rents that Housing Benefit normally covers.